
WATCH: As America’s kids get sicker, exposure to unregulated chemicals on the rise

A blockbuster new scientific paper reveals how America’s kids are getting sicker, possibly because of exposure to unregulated chemicals. A chorus of leading doctors and scientists is demanding lawmakers and regulators start moving to protect children, saying “inaction is no longer an option.”

Alarmklokkerne ringer: Forskere advarer om dødelig trussel

Alarmklokkerne ringer: Forskere advarer om dødelig trussel

Kræft, reproduktive misdannelser og neurologiske lidelser rammer børn i alarmerende hast. Syntetiske kemikalier har revolutioneret moderne industri og produktion, men hvilken pris betaler vi for denne bekvemmelighed? En ny rapport offentliggjort i det anerkendte New...

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International experts call for urgent action to protect children’s health from harmful chemicals

International experts call for urgent action to protect children’s health from harmful chemicals

Exposure to manufactured synthetic chemicals has worsened the levels of chronic disease and developmental disorders in children, over the last 50 years, including childhood cancer, male reproductive birth defects, pediatric obesity, neurodevelopmental disorders, autism spectrum disorder, and IQ reduction, according to a newly published peer-reviewed paper in the world’s leading medical journal, The New England Journal of Medicine.

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