‘Grave Concern’: Chronic Diseases Are Killing Kids — and Exposure to Chemicals Is Driving the Epidemic

Jan 14, 2025 | Featured

A paper published today in the New England Journal of Medicine concludes that chronic diseases are the main cause of illness and death for children in the U.S. and Europe. The authors — 25 scientists, economists and legal scholars — called for new laws and regulations.

Source: The Defender, By Michael Nevradakis, Ph.D.

Chronic diseases are the main cause of illness and death for children in the U.S. and Europe, and exposure to chemicals is driving the epidemic, according to a paper published today in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The authors — 25 scientists, economists and legal scholars representing 17 U.S. and European Union (EU) institutions — called for new laws and regulations governing chemicals that, according to their data analyses, are largely responsible for the chronic disease epidemic in children.

“An estimated 350,000 manufactured chemicals, chemical mixtures, and plastics” listed in global inventories are “subject to few legal or policy constraints,” the paper stated.

Less than 20% of these chemicals were tested for toxicity, particularly in infants and children.

Production of these chemicals has increased 50-fold since 1950 and is projected to triple from current levels by 2050, according to the authors, who published their collective work under the Consortium for Children’s Environmental Health.

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